Light Blue and Sharp

Friday, November 30, 2007

My second First Birthday Party

This time, the party was all for me! We had friends and family over for a little lunch, hanging out in the backyard, cake (which had my name on it!) and presents. I really liked all of the balloons - and so did the other kids. They played with them outside and inside and enjoyed running and hollering all over the place!

My Papa made me a little stool - just my size! Everyone helped me get into the packages and bags and played with all the great toys!

My cousins Sadie and Andrew gave me this big bear towel, but I think my Mommy likes it and I hope I get to use it too!
When I got tired at the end, I blew some kisses good-bye, asked to be picked up and left the room. Thanks for coming to my party everyone!


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