Light Blue and Sharp

Saturday, May 26, 2007

More Pics o' Nora

Whether I'm celebrating the quintessential Christian holiday of Easter, lounging at home in my exer-saucer, hanging out on my changing table, relaxing on top of my dogs, or trying on some experimental clothing, I'm always at the top of fashion.

Pictures o' Nora's hair...

Life can be a little difficult for a girl with this much hair! The wind, hats, mornings, gravity; all of these factors frustrate my "do." So, what's a girl to do? My answer is just "coo, coo, coo" and smile. That usually does the trick, and I get lots of attention. Adults, so easy.

We got a (fake) yard!

I'm six months old and Daddy still hasn't learned how to format the pictures so that I'm not sideways! Geez. We had a wonderful Easter, despite the look on my face from the picture at church. I watched all the kids look for eggs and next year I'll show them how to do it.

Meanwhile, the biggest thing around home is our new yard. In New Mexico water is rare and expensive so Mommy and Daddy put in a fake yard. I love it; the feel the texture, the taste. It is really nice to be outside and enjoy the wonderful New Mexican weather.

Spring Break Time

I hear that spring break is a big deal for kids older than me who go to school. I think it is also a big deal for those who teach kids a little older than me. My grandma, Abuelita Scientifica, is one of those teachers. This year on her spring break she came to visit me in ABQ. While she was here we spent LOTS of time together taking walks and having fun. A.S. also made me a pretty green dress and some blankets (or as I like to call them, sleeping burritos).

So, yea, life is pretty good for me right now; I like to go on hikes, I like to wear cool shades, and I can't wait to take a ride in the Burley bicycle trailer that Daddy bought for me.